(608) 852-5766 [email protected]
Establishing The HCSS Foundation

Establishing The HCSS Foundation

As Cathy and Julie got ready to plan for the 5th Annual School Drive, their conversation focused on the increased needs of schools and families and how best to meet those needs. While soliciting businesses for donations in past years, Cathy and Julie learned that...
4th Annual School Drive

4th Annual School Drive

The 4th Annual School Supply Drive was held during the months of June and July. After consulting with educators ear buds and head phones were added to the supply list. A result of teaching in a pandemic was that educators had developed stronger teaching skills using...
3rd Annual School Drive

3rd Annual School Drive

Cathy and Julie had forged a strong partnership by year three. Their determination to continue to help students, families and schools was stronger than the obstacles created by the 2020 Pandemic. Cathy and Julie knew that needs would be even greater as families were...
2nd Annual School Drive

2nd Annual School Drive

The excitement and appreciation Cathy saw when she delivered school supplies in 2018 to Sunset Ridge Elementary School fueled her to commit to holding school supply drives annually. Julie eagerly asked Cathy if she could partner with her.  Again Cathy reached out to...

1st Annual School Drive

Cathy Sitarz held her first school supply drive in 2018. After meeting with educator Julie Frentz to learn about the needs schools and students had Cathy reached out to her clients, colleagues, friends and family members. With the help of their generosity, Cathy was...